Water, Water, Everywhere – Make Sure it’s Safe for Baby

Water is a staple of life; it’s also a staple of bottle feeding. There’s no way around it, you’ll need plenty of good ‘ol H2O to clean, sterilize, warm-up and mix bottles safely. But when was the last time you checked the quality of your formula water?

Do you get your formula water from a municipal utility or from a well? No matter which source you use, the quality of your water is not only important to child’s health, but yours as well. Minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and sodium naturally occur in ground water, and in the US, these levels can significantly vary by region.

For parents who use municipal water, it’s important to note that public water systems must adhere to the federal Safe Drinking Water Act, which ensures water quality and requires that public utility water is regularly monitored. Even with regulated tap water, when preparing baby’s formula, only use cool tap water and let the water run for at least 1 minute before filling bottles to avoid possible contaminants.

Private well water doesn’t have the same regulations as public water systems. So if you’re a homeowner with well water it’s crucial that you get your water tested to ensure its quality, especially if you are welcoming a new baby. If you’d like to get your water tested, contact your county’s extensions office or a private company.  Click here for more information on well water.

Once you feel confident that your water source is safe, you can use room temperature water to mix your baby’s formula. If you prefer, you may want to boil water before you use it. Just be sure to boil the water for at least one minute, let it sit for at least 30 minutes, and use it within 4 hours.

As a parent, you can never be too prepared when it comes to the safety of you and your family.  Don’t forget to count on the baby’s water needs when planning for emergencies. Consider keeping bottled water on hand in case of a crisis that compromises the quality of public utility water.